Catalyst Pet celebrates two years helping cats in need through its national rescue and shelter program

The sustainable litter company has donated more than 50,000 pounds of litter to rescues and shelters across the country since the program’s inception
Louisville, CO –June 7, 2022– Catalyst Pet is known for creating high-performance, sustainable cat litter to care for our cats and our earth. But the company believes sustainability is about more than the environment; it’s about health and justice in our communities. That’s why Catalyst Pet launched a shelter and rescue program two years ago in June, which is National Adopt a Cat Month, to support organizations and people that rescue, shelter, and trap-neuter-return kittens and cats.
Currently, Catalyst Pet works with several animal nonprofits, shelters, rescues, and trap-neuter-return programs across the country, from donating litter on a monthly basis, raising awareness about the rescues’ efforts through marketing initiatives, to providing discount coupons to new cat parents and foster parents. To date, Catalyst Pet has donated more than 50,000 pounds of litter.
“We believe sustainability is about creating change for good,” says Jonah Levine, Catalyst Pet’s product manager. “It’s about supporting our community and lending a hand wherever we can. That’s why we started this program and are working hard to continue to grow it.”
The nonprofits Catalyst works with vary in size and location, but each have a strong mission toward keeping cats safe and healthy. Organizations include Austin Pets Alive!, Stray Cat Alliance, Conquer the Colony, Chalky’s, the Humane Society of Louisiana, and Three Little Pitties to name a few.
“Without support from amazing companies like Catalyst Pet, we couldn’t save the cats of Texas,” Michelle Sutter, the director of the Cat Department at Three Little Pitties, says. “Like many rescues, we struggle to raise funds to cover costs, so we really appreciate companies who give back to communities and support rescues like ours to help save as many of these precious souls as possible.”
To learn more about Catalyst’s rescue and shelter program, visit
About Catalyst™ Pet
Catalyst is an award-winning revolutionary cat litter, the only one engineered from upcycled soft wood fiber to offer the best performance and peace of mind. Lightweight, minimally scented, odor-trapping and cat-friendly, Catalyst exceeds both natural and conventional clay alternatives so pet parents can make the responsible, renewable, sustainable choice. Join the revolution! For more information, visit