Commitment to Sustainability

As a pioneer in transforming wood waste into premium, environmentally friendly consumer products, we put sustainability at the forefront of everything we do. We make it easy for consumers to choose a path toward a greener future.

Commitment to sustainability

We operate 25 plants across the U.S. and Canada, taking what would be considered waste and creating wood pellets, as well as other sustainable consumer products, including cat litter, stall shavings, BBQ pellets, animal bedding, and more. Upcycling wood waste into valuable products keeps the material out of landfills. Our products also contribute to the recycling of carbon emissions in the atmosphere.

We also partner with wood suppliers recognized for responsible timber harvesting and wood sourcing practices. For us, it’s vital that the market we provide fosters and supports the practice of sustainable forestry.

We’re continually looking toward the future, finding more ways to grow and push the boundaries. Our Innovation Lab works to develop new products and processes, as well as perfect already existing ones.

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Leading with Lignin

The secret behind dense, durable pellets is a substance called lignin, the second-most abundant naturally occurring biopolymer on earth. The compound, which inspired our company’s name, is found in the cell walls of vascular plants (like trees), essentially acting as the glue that holds the wood fibers together.

Throughout pelletization, the lignin within the wood fibers is released. As it melts and then cools, the materials are bound together and shaped into pellets—an extremely efficient process resulting in a clean burning fuel solution.

Lignetics is at the forefront of much of the research being conducted around lignin today. We work with universities, other companies, and government labs to find more energy efficient approaches for existing processes, evolve the pellet and other lignin-based products, and find new, inventive ways to use the compound.

The Power to Displace Plastic

Lignin is a renewable resource that has the potential to replace fossil-based chemicals and materials.

  • Lignin is a natural binder that is found in different amounts in plants. The sturdier the plant, the more lignin it contains.
  • Lignin can be reused in its original form.
  • Lignin can act as an antioxidant and has been shown to have antimicrobial and insecticidal properties.
  • Byproducts of lignin have been made into products like adhesives and foams.
  • The structure and properties of isolated lignin make it particularly unique to a wide number of uses.
  • Modified lignins can give man-made materials similar characteristics to wood, such as stiffness and fire resistance.