At Lignetics, doing good things for the environment, each other, and our business is the foundation for healthy and responsible growth. Sustainability doesn’t end with our products. It’s a part of everything we do, encompassing responsible environmental, social, and business governance.
Sustainability is much more than good intentions. It takes real human energy, focus, and continuous improvement to support progress and long-term ecological balance.
ESG programs are being developed by progressive organizations to truly bolster sustainability efforts. Our wood upcycling business puts us at the forefront of the sustainability movement. And, for over 30 years, we’ve been reimagining and repurposing the waste of other companies, working with them to give another life to material that would otherwise end up in a landfill. We do all of this to help ensure a healthy future for our employees, our customers, and our planet.
By continuously creating new and higher targets, and tracking the progress of our own sustainability efforts, we hold ourselves accountable to you, the planet, and our business.